Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Photo of the Day: Pixie Hollow

I don't know how many readers I have for this blog, but for those that read it on a daily basis, then you would've noticed that I didn't update for the past 2 days since I've been busy with school work. If you were expecting anything, I apologize for not delivering. Anyways, today's photo of the day is one of the Pixie Hollow signage at Disneyland. The main challenge with this photo was the lack of lighting, and being a non-believer in flash photography, it made it an even bigger challenge.

Exposure Time: 1 / 4
FNumber: 4.5
Focal Length: 48
ISO Speed Ratings: 1600
White Balance: Auto white balance

I used my canon 28-105mm lens at 48mm and f/4.5.  Since it was dark, these settings were a challenge to work with so I had to use a high ISO of 1600. However, I couldn't get the sensitivity high enough to get a fast shutter. With only a shutter of 1/4 of a second available to me, I had to find a way to stabilize the shot. For this photograph, to do that, I used the railings below the signage to get a stable and unique angle.

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